Bhakti Yatra

There is a spiritual journey which we all must embark upon. Parmatma searches for us, and it is our responsibility to search for and to find Him. Sadguru Yeshu says, “Look, I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will enter the their house and eat with them.” Are we able to listen to His voice? Are we ready to open the door of our heart?

Yeshu is Parmatma. Yeshu is Guru. And He alone is The Sadguru. We all need a Guru to show us the true path. Yeshuji said, “I am The Way, The Truth and The Life.” So Guru Yeshu is not only the one who shows the way but He Himself is The Way. And He is The Highest Truth.

But simply knowing about Sadguru Yeshu is not enough. Experience is greater than knowledge. And we must have an experience with The Lord Yeshu. We must receive the teachings of The Guru. And we will have to apply those teachings in our own lives. We must follow The Guru. Then our lives will be transformed and we may be called Yeshu Bhakts.

Begin this Holy and important journey today. Read the following directions and slowly begin learn what is means to be a disciple of Sadguru Yeshu.